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Student Outcomes

How do Fletcher Students Perform on the ACT?

This report reflects the achievement of Fletcher graduates on the ACT over time and indicates their preparedness for college-level work.

The ACT consists of curriculum-based tests of educational development in English, mathematics, reading, and science designed to measure the skills needed for success in first-year college coursework.

The table shows the five-year trend of the average score of Fletcher ACT-tested graduates compared to all North Carolina ACT-tested graduates. As is shown, Fletcher graduates outperform graduates from North Carolina and nationally across each academic area tested, indicating their increased readiness and preparedness for college-level work.

What is the college success rate of Fletcher students?

In 2017, The Fletcher School’s office of assessment conducted a longitudinal study to measure the success rate of Fletcher graduates.

The purpose of the study was to determine what percentage of our students graduated from a 4-year college, or earned a degree from a community college.

The study began with three graduates in the class of 2004 and ended with seventeen graduates in the class of 2016, totaling 117 students.

We compared our statistics with those of the entire United States.  Of the 117 Fletcher students in the study, 61% graduated from a 4-year college, while only 41% of all students across the nation with diagnosed learning disabilities graduated with a 4-year degree. (An additional 11% of Fletcher graduates earned certificates from community colleges, indicating that 72% of Fletcher graduates persist to college graduation.)

Furthermore, the National Center for Educational Statistics reported that 59% of all students nationally earned a 4-year college degree. The Fletcher School's graduates outperformed all U.S. students with and without a learning disability.  

*Longitudinal Study was researched and reported by Helen Weaver, Director of Assessment, The Fletcher School.

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