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Who We Serve

Who We Serve

Our bright and talented students have average to above-average intelligence as defined in a psychological-educational assessment performed by a licensed psychologist. 

Students must have a diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disability in reading (dyslexia), written expression (dysgraphia), or math (dyscalculia).* 

Students in grades 6-11 can be accepted with a primary diagnosis of ADHD if it is impacting their academic success.

*Grades K and 1 are not always required to submit a psychological-educational evaluation or have a diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disability. 

Visit our Admission Criteria page for more details and grade-level guidelines.  

Who We Cannot Serve

Students with the following learning profiles are better served by other schools or programs that have the expertise to meet their specific needs: autism spectrum disorder, nonverbal learning disability, intellectual disabilities, emotional and/or behavioral disorders, or complex communication disorders requiring direct speech and language services.



Next Steps?

Submit an Online Inquiry

Take A Virtual Tour of Campus

View a Printable Version of Our Criteria

View & Download Fletcher Facts

Contact our Office of Admissions for additional information:

Jennifer Middlemas
Director of Enrollment Management
704-365-4658 x.1102

Elizabeth Ashe
Admission Associate
704-365-4658 x.1103

Marie Arrington
Enrollment & Research Coordinator
704-365-4658 x.1104

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