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Parents' Council

Parents' Council 

Volunteer for Parents' Council

There are many fun ways to become engaged as a parent volunteer at The Fletcher School--and we need your support! Indicate your interest in volunteer opportunities by completing the 2024-2025 Volunteer Opportunities form.  

Parents' Council Membership

The Fletcher School Parents’ Council supports the School's philosophy, programs, and activities for the benefit of all students and families. Parents' Council facilitates parent communication, coordinates volunteerism, and sponsors and organizes school-wide events.

Every parent becomes a member of Parents' Council upon enrollment at The Fletcher School. Additionally, Parents’ Council conducts an annual membership drive to support our activities. Please consider joining and supporting the Parents’ Council with an annual suggested payment of $60 per family by completing the 2024-2025 Membership form.

Support Parents' Council

There are several ways to support Parents' Council:

First and foremost, attend as many Parents' Council hosted events as you can. We love to see our community engaged and making memories together.

Link your Publix shopper card to The Fletcher Parents' Council. Simply log into your account, select our organization to support, and save your choice. Before completing the check-out process at the store, make sure you key in the phone number associated with your account so that your purchases are credited to our account.

For the entirety of the 2024-2025 school year, schools will earn $10 for every HT Plus membership or trial membership sign-up or existing membership. To qualify, customers will need to link their VIC card as well as sign up for a free 30-day trial membership or a paid membership of HT Plus or have an existing account. Once those steps are complete, the system will allocate $10 to their TIE school of choice. If customers are linked to multiple schools, the $10 will be divided equally between the schools. Schools will not earn funds on any in-store purchases for the 2024-2025 school year.

Plan to attend PC Meetings. Be on the lookout for announcements about PC meetings and hear informative presentations about a variety of topics of interest to Fletcher parents.

Questions? Contact Tracia Cericola, Parents’ Council President.

2024-2025 Parents' Council Board


President                                            Tracia Cericola

Past President                                    Wendy Wallace-Wright

Secretary                                            Erika Smith  

Treasurer                                            Shaunti Harvey

VP of Student Life                              Jordan Whitesides

VP of School Spirit                            Shannon Joseph

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